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©Cyberhorse 2003
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The Virtual Saleyard - News
TVS users can see the evolution of The Virtual Saleyard over the past 4 years by reading through the news below.
January 2003 - More Updates to The Virtual Saleyard
We have made further improvements to TVS functionality to assist users to get best results from the system :-
  • Members can log in to the Member Services area directly from the home page instead of having to first go to a Members page.
  • Navigation has been improved to simplify access to frequently used system features.
  • Listing types have been simplified to 3 types - text, enhanced and featured.
  • Pricing has been simplified.
  • Vendors will be notified by email if a listing has not been changed for 6 months. If they do not change it within 2 weeks, the listing will be marked as sold.
July 2002 - Photos in Search Results
When an Enhanced or Featured Listing comes up in a search result, the user has the option to enable the thumbnail photo to be displayed in the search results. Not only does the Enhanced or Featured Listing come up first in the search results, but now the user can see at a glance which ones they want to find out more about.
May 2001 - TVS Totally Revamped
In response to many suggestions from users and our own market research, we have introduced a number of major changes to The Virtual Saleyard.
  • TVS now has categories for listings other than Horses. These include Other Listings (clothing, transport, real estate, horse gear, machinery, employment etc), as well as an all breeds Stallion Directory and a Products & Services Directory.
  • All TVS Members now have access to TVS's free Email Notification Service. This service allows Members to specify search criteria and to be notified daily of any listings added or changed which match.
  • A new promotional feature has been added known as Feature Impressions. This allows vendors to have their advertisement featured on Cyberhorse's most popular pages. Featured Ads can be zoned to appear only where the vendor wants them to. These ads have achieved up to a 30% response rate in testing.
  • A much improved Member Services function allows vendors to access a Control Panel where they can view their ads, make changes or order Enhancements and Feature Impressions. A full history of all changes can be seen, together with the number of Feature Impressions shown and clickthrough performance when these have been ordered.
  • The Horse Search function now allows searches for height and age ranges.
  • All listings now have country and state as selection items and allow for searches for words or phrases.
  • Listings can now be withdrawn instead of having to mark them as sold.
  • Horse and Other listings can be For Sale or Wanted.
  • The Products & Services section has been extended to include many more categories. Ads in the Products & Services Directory have a 12 month duration. Zoned Feature Impressions can be ordered to provide extra prominence for a Directory listing.
  • The Stallion Directory has now been extended to include all breeds instead of only thoroughbreds. Ads in the Stallion Directory have a 12 month duration. Zoned Feature Impressions can be ordered to provide extra prominence for a Directory listing.
  • The Listing Enhancements ordering procedure has been streamlined in order to simplify purchasing.
  • Tax Invoices are now emailed to vendors when ordering Enhancements or Feature Impressions.
April 2001 - 4000 Listings in TVS
In April, we reached a milestone with 4000 horses listed in TVS, worth a total of $17.5 million. Of that total, over 1200 horses worth $4.5 million have been notified as having been sold. 2800 horses worth a total of $13 million are available for sale - the largest selection by far of any horse sales service in Australia and one of the largest in world.
July 2000 - NEW! Enhanced Search Service!
Due to the volume of listings at TVS, we have improved the search function to help buyers to narrow down the selections. As well as breed and discipline, you can now search on age, colour, sex and height. As an added aid, the listings returned are sorted so that enhanced listings are first and then basic listings in descending price order. Individual listings are presented in a pop-up window, so that you don't have to redo the search between viewing each listing. Note that the popup requires at least a Version 4 browser with Javascript enabled to work properly.
February 2000 - 1500 Horses in The Virtual Saleyard
We've been going for more than a year with the new TVS format. Listings are coming in at an increasing rate and we are well ahead of our targets in terms of the number of horses available for sale. There are now over 1500 horses in our database. We recently were featured in The Financial Review, in an article entitled "Cyber Sales the New Game".
August 1999 - Thoroughbred Stallion Directory
We have now introduced the latest feature of TVS, which is a comprehensive stallion register for all Australian thoroughbred stallions. This register is now linked to The Virtual FormGuide Quickfind Listings, so whenever a stallion has a runner at any of the races around the country, a racing follower can quickly find out about the stallion. Studmasters can enhance their listings in this database in a similar way to those for the existing TVS, again very cost effectively. You can imagine the promotional value of having a form guide user being able to look up the sire of a race winner and then being able to jump to the stud web site of the stallion.


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